Flexible, trusted advice

The vCPO (virtual Chief Privacy Officer) offering is similar to the vCISO offering many in Finance and other industries have enjoyed for years. You want to make sure you have a certain number of hours per month of Privacy advisory from a senior, trusted advisor who knows your business. So you contract for a certain number of hours per month on a use it or lose it basis, and you can bring a certain number of hours forward or buy top-up hours.

You get the flexibility you want on delivery as well as consistent, confident budgeting.

Differences to DPO and Representative

The vCPO is not a regulated role, nor one required by GDPR, nor under the proposed Brexit reforms. The vCPO is having a trusted advisor on speed0dial on a retainer basis, but with more flexibility. They can get involved in everything and advise on everything – they’re yours to instruct.

  • A DPO on the other hand is a role defined by GDPR and comes with various rights and obligations on both the individual and the organisation. For example, the DPO (internal or external) cannot be conflicted in carrying out their duties. They can’t ‘mark their own homework’, which can create issues finding the right person in-house and is why so many DPOs are external. (We also offer an External DPO service.)
  • And a UK Representative is another GDPR-defined role. Essentially, a UK Representative is your point of contact in the UK when you’re not established in the UK. They act on your instructions, for you, in dealings with data subjects and regulators in the UK. (We also offer a UK Representative service.)
  • Whereas the vCPO, as above, is not defined by GDPR and is what you want it to be. Typically a vCPO is focussed on advisory work mixed with operational support across the board on Privacy.

What about the Brexit Reforms?

There’s nothing in the current draft Bill that will affect the vCPO, as it’s not a role defined by the GDPR but by you and us.

How we help

We offer vCPO services where you book a set number of hours with Robert per month to use as required. Hours can’t be carried into the next month but you can draw forward some hours from future months or purchaser top-up hours. It’s the ultimate in flexibility.

SeeĀ all our Services