Managing Processors

Who’s processing your data?

In Privacy-speak a processor is a person (usually a service provider) who processes personal data on your behalf. There are four main tasks on processors:

  • know who they are
  • do appropriate due diligence on them
  • have a contract with them that meets GDPR’s requirements,
  • if they’re outside the UK, consider how best to manage the transfer, and
  • review this every year

What about the Brexit Reforms?

The current draft Bill doesn’t change how you manage processors. However the UK is separately changing how you assess and deal with any transfer.

How we help

We can help you put in place compliant processes for managing processors and take you through identifying your processors and handling them appropriately, helping you with any ‘standard contractual clauses’ and transfer impact assessments or risk assessments.

SeeĀ all our Services